romaro2021-02-25 17:31:42
romaro, 2021-02-25 17:31:42

What is the best Linux directory to store project sources in?

Now the source codes of web projects are stored in the Windows file system. The structure is:
- code
- - project1
- - - dist
- - - src
- - - etc.
- - project 2

One of the projects needs to be transferred to the WSL/Ubuntu file system. In which folder is it more correct to place the sources from which the site is built?

How correct would be the placement in the user's home folder home/usernsme/myprojectsources/ ?

It is clear that there are no strict rules, but I would like to use the traditional arrangement.

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4 answer(s)
Alexey Yarkov, 2021-02-25

How correct would be the placement in the user's home folder home/usernsme/myprojectsources/ ?

Absolutely correct decision. I have in /home/user/git .

Dr. Bacon, 2021-02-25

Which one is more convenient for you, there is no "traditional location" for the user

BorLaze, 2021-02-25

Sources must be in the git.
And where this or that user will pull out from is a personal intimate matter of this or that user.

Ildar, 2021-02-25

Install Linux and use it, because the sites run on Linux mostly. And the site environment should match the development environment. For example, the same Unix rights. I used to develop in a visible way and got tired of the fact that there is no compatibility with Linux. There are no windows versions of plugins specific for php. That pecl does not compile, due to the lack of libraries, then something else. I had to install cygwin and mingw. At some point, I got tired of it and switched to ubuntu. It has become much easier.
The solution, if you do not want to switch to Linux - VirtualBox with Linux and sites there. You can Docker or LXC and sites there.
By default, the folder /var/www/html
Alternatively, you can use: /www/project or /srv/project

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