xtala zen2017-01-24 13:38:52
xtala zen, 2017-01-24 13:38:52

What is the best IDE for PHP 7?

There was a need to find out which IDE is more adequate for developing Web applications in PHP 7. So far, only 3 IDEs come to mind - PHPStorm, NetBeans and Eclipse.
From them I know the following:
PHPStorm - quite a lot of developers use it, people seem to be happy, but it's paid.
Eclipse is free, in Java, I used to install extensions for C ++ development.
Netbeans is free in Java, I don't really know anything else ...
It's not difficult for anyone to describe the advantages and disadvantages of these three IDEs and throw links to creating a working environment (settings) and methods for an efficient workflow under your favorite IDE, if any among the three presented .
The topic was created to increase horizons and exchange experience / knowledge, and not for "holy wars" in the comments. Please speak clearly and to the point!
Thank you!

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9 answer(s)
Mikhail Osher, 2017-01-24

Can't switch to other IDEs due to:
- autocomplete
- refactoring
- flexibility/settings
- plugins
If you're self-employed and can't afford a license, ask the company to buy it for you.
500r / month in the first year, -20% for the second year, -40% in the next, if the subscription is active all the time - this is quite a bit.
Just think about how much money you spend per month on unnecessary garbage, like chocolates / chips / cigarettes. Immediately money for a license will be found.

Michael Saparov, 2018-03-09

From the free NetBeans solutions, great option

Igor Vorotnev, 2017-01-24

PHPStorm is also in Java. And he is definitely the best of them all.
Paid? So this is the main working tool. What is the problem of paying for it, because it will generate orders of magnitude more income for you.

Evgeny Svirsky, 2017-01-24

There are 2 segments: commercial and open source. Of the commercial ones, PHPStorm is the best, of open source - Aptana seems to be nothing, but of course the commercial segment is an order of magnitude better than open source. Therefore only PHPStorm.

Vladislav, 2017-01-24

As if there are options.

Stanislav Pochepko, 2017-01-24

phpstorm. It's worth it to buy

Mitya Kolesnikov, 2017-01-24

I generally abandoned the idea of ​​using an IDE at one time. The reason was Java, and as a result, the low speed of the IDE compared to Sublime Text, which I eventually switched to. By the way, I used PHPStorm earlier, it was then still free for me for some program.
Of the minuses - the loss of many possibilities regarding automation, and storing everything possible in one box. Solved by applying separate solutions for specific tasks. It takes a lot of effort to set up all the required infrastructure outside of the IDE.
Pros - Sublime Text has many features and extensions. Therefore, most of what you will miss in the absence of an IDE can be covered by extensions for Sublime Text and, in fact, you can make the same IDE out of it, only with some restrictions regarding the tools familiar to developers. The main advantage of course is the high speed of Sublime Text. I compared it with the Atom editor similar to it, and it is noticeably, many times inferior in the speed of loading and displaying data. Also, the pluses include the fact that the license for Sublime Text is bought once and indefinitely.
It should be noted that my main operating system for work is Windows of the latest versions, and for some reason programs written in Java have always caused me a bad impression in comparison with more native options regarding their performance. It's like with MS Office and LibreOffice. The first one is certainly faster and works better, but the second one is free.

Konstantin Fedoev, 2017-03-27

Immediately I apologize for the "necropost".
For me, the top solution was brackets . A bunch of plugins allow you to customize it to your heart's content. Ability to work on FTP with files "directly", the color design can be perverted as you like. Weighs a little (around 51 mb) fast.
In general, for myself, I did not find anything better. I 'll leave the link here
Oh yes, of course, a free IDE!

Serge Tkach, 2018-07-27

I am using netbeans. In fact started using it after some work with PHPStorm (unlicensed version on Windows). And then I switched to Linux Centos and the freebie ended, but somehow I don’t want to buy PHPStorm for now, since at my level I don’t speed up much thanks to PHPStorm. The functions I use the most are in Netbeans.
Chose from Atom, Sublime and Netbeans. Eclipse - did not try
Of all the listed open source Netbeans seemed to me the closest in functionality to PHPStorm.
Among the disadvantages:
- Does not open large files (for example, I will give databases. I open them with the Geany editor, which opens everything, but is not an IDE)
- Inability to open multiple windows (although you can open several projects in one window)
- Doesn't automatically align code when pasted
- Slightly buggy calling of code templates (snippets)
- There is also a problem with file encodings in Windows - it stupidly doesn't switch encodings (unlike Atom)
- Starts up slowly. But when I hung everything I needed on atom, it also started to start slowly, and even slow down when working, which does not happen in netbeans
Among the pluses:
- Almost everything I need is already installed. In atom and sublime, you tinker, tinker, but there's no point ...
- Awesome diff - in fact, this alone already puts the editor in the lead compared to the other 2
- Version control
- Navigator
- Flexible editor settings (colors)
- File history - helped out a couple of times when I accidentally erased a file
My first favorite editor was CodeLobster mentioned in one of the comments. But when switching from it, I felt a performance increase. Mainly due to the fact that his projects were very buggy at that moment.

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