morphio2015-03-09 21:14:48
Mobile development
morphio, 2015-03-09 21:14:48

What is the best backend for a mobile application?

Being engaged in the study of development for mobile applications, I touched on the topic from the web server side of the application. This topic is extremely poorly covered in development books, therefore, having visited the Internet, I found out how web servers for sites are organized and written on. In this connection, the question arose: are there any fundamental differences between the web server for the site and the web server for MP. I also wanted to know which hardware + software solutions are optimal for MP, which ones work better / faster (in general, pluses, minuses, nuances). Are there any established stable combinations of PL and DB for a web server under MT, which are used by most programmers.
I apologize in advance if the question is stupid, I'm just learning). Thanks for answers.

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4 answer(s)
index0h, 2015-03-10

Often I give this example, I will give it again:
What device do you eat food with: a fork, spoon, knife, or hands? I think it depends on the dish.
It's the same with the backend: some technologies are cool for one, others for another. You tell us exactly what you want to do, it is already on the basis of this that you should select the components.
For example, chats and systems tied to events - under nodejs they will not feel bad.
For file distributed storage - mogilefs.
For data processing - everything except nodejs and php.
For very serious multithreading - erlang.
For fast development AND high speed - golang.
For even faster development - php.

Dmitry Vapelnik, 2015-03-10

there is such a topic as BaaS. take a look at parse.com

Optimus, 2015-03-09
Pyan @marrk2

Well, it depends on the specifics of the application. If it constantly enters a bunch of information on the server - this is one thing, reading a lot is a little different, large text data is the third.

Sergey, 2015-03-09
Protko @Fesor

REST and RPC as the basis for the API. At the same time, different apishka methods, depending on the load, can generally be written in different programming languages ​​and hosted on different servers. In terms of popularity, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. are popular. Bases are very different. The most popular is MySQL. Often NoSQL solutions are used in conjunction with SQL or without ... in general, behind the API service, you should not care what is used there. Your job is to interact with the API via HTTP or directly via TCP, depending on your needs.

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