Zdaart55332020-01-21 14:20:58
Zdaart5533, 2020-01-21 14:20:58

What is more relevant at the moment: Qt or JavaFx?

I have been working with Qt for several years now and have heard quite a lot about JavaFx. Even tried to work with him a little.
Here's what interests me: regarding JavaFx, it is impossible to find at least some news and generally lessons or tutorials (except for things 1-3).
How relevant is this platform and is it worth switching?

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3 answer(s)
towin, 2020-01-21

If you can't find any information about JavaFX, then it's probably not used very much.
It seems to me that it is better to stay with Qt after all.

Sergey Shvyrev, 2020-01-29

Lord, when I remember sex with gcc in 4 kuts ... I don’t remember how I overcame the problem with sound, but something like that ...
Over the past six months, I personally have two Javafx projects. The community has woken up and is actively working.
With Java 14, a compiler is available that builds naive applications. Very comfortable.
Gluon - well done, today they released a Javafx game for RaspberryPi.
Naive builds are successfully assembled for all desktop platforms and Android (there is a nuance with Windows 10, but that's it).
Watches and wearable electronics - I don’t know, I haven’t tried it.
Now the Web platform has been finished off to a normal working version.
Still in work ios.
In general, I am satisfied with the work of Javafx.

Sergey, 2020-02-28

JavaFx + Kotlin = very fast development, I use it myself

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