DJDiM2021-09-15 04:54:55
Search Engine Optimization
DJDiM, 2021-09-15 04:54:55

What if there are a lot of strange, very low-quality backlinks to your site?

I checked my site in ahrefs, and there are a lot of backs. Moreover, backs to pictures that are pulled from my site, and it all comes from different blogspot.com subdomains. All articles in which images from my site are inserted are a set of unrelated words, copy-paste. What is it and what to do with it?

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4 answer(s)
Zettabyte, 2021-09-15

Most likely, your pictures are not so badly ranked in the search results for some keywords, and the creators of the dumps you found are trying to go up to success at your expense.
Filter the webserver logs for images used if you're curious to see how well they're doing.

Sergey Arsentiev, 2021-09-15

The fight against hotlinks is described here https://misha.agency/htaccess/block-hotlinks.html

Ivanka, 2021-09-17

Good afternoon.
I encountered this problem a couple of times, it happens that competitors intentionally leave links on low-trust resources, which affects performance. But fortunately, when I took SEO courses from webpromoexpert , I found out that this issue is easily solved. Just make a list of negative sites, use the disavow-links tool in the google search console. Links from the pages listed in the list will no longer be taken into account no earlier than after a few weeks.

Valeriy Romanoff, 2021-09-23

You collect a list of backlinks, check for quality, send all the garbage to the Google Disawow Links Tool.

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