Nikolai2015-01-19 03:55:18
Mobile development
Nikolai, 2015-01-19 03:55:18

What happened to the mobile version of the Yandex Share buttons?

The initial data on the question turned out to be quite voluminous, but I hope this will reduce the number of responses with recommendations for actions that I have already taken in search of a solution, so
please read everything I have stated here before submitting your answer
In the previous version of the constructor buttons, on a separate page api.yandex.ru/share/mobile.xml their mobile version was offered using a separate script. In the new incarnation of this constructor ( located at api.yandex.ru/share) I can't find it. At the same time, on a number of sites I have already installed the adaptive code for connecting share buttons from Yandex, which loads one or another version of the button script depending on the screen size. Accordingly, the question arises: what to do with it? On the one hand, it works great, on the other hand, it represents an additional risk, because I do not know when support for this code will stop and whether I will be able to respond to it in a timely manner. The following versions of events come to my mind:

  • Yandex employees transferred (plan to transfer) adaptability to the main script, and now the connection of a separate script for the mobile version can be simply deleted;
  • Yandex employees forgot to finish the builder for the mobile version under the new builder interface, but the technology will continue to work in the same form, so you can leave the code unchanged;
  • Yandex employees refused to support the mobile version and now the code that connected it can be deleted.
As you can see, in two of the above options, there is an unhealthy situation where the site uses extra code, and I would like to avoid it! But for this you need to know the real state of affairs. And it is known only to some employees of Yandex.
Of course, the first thing I did with this question was to the Share Block Users Club :
As you can see in the screenshot, the moderators have IGNORED this question and have not published it since November 2014!!! And of course no one bothered to explain - why?
My next step was to contact Yandex search technical support, in the hope that my question would be redirected to a competent person. Of course, in my appeal, I stated the information that I had already asked this question in the developers' club and even attached the above screenshot to it. But the specialist, apparently without even reading the question, but only seeing the phrase "Share buttons from Yandex" in its title, suggested that I contact the same club with this question:
My answer with a request to read the appeal in full was ignored.
Frustrated, I repeated the request, but included a few caps at the beginning, politely requesting that you read the question in its entirety before answering it. I still have not received an answer. And here the chance is quite high that people who can (or know who can) shed light on the current situation will come across the question. Agree, when a company offers some kind of service, and then, without any explanation, destroys all mention of it, despite the fact that someone is already using it, this is not very good.

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