Nikita Kochnev2018-03-13 20:37:37
Nikita Kochnev, 2018-03-13 20:37:37

What else to optimize on the opencart 3 site?

Good day!) There is an online store on opencart3, which in turn lies on vds with the ubuntu operating system and the vesta control panel. It was a hell of a server response time and 0 page speed.
It was decided to hold an event to optimize all this.
It was done:
indexes in
memcashd database of queries to
opcache database were launched and rebuilt
in php, the memory was raised to 256, otherwise he sometimes cursed at the logs that there was not enough memory
in mysql - the cache of small queries and the general cache were set
In the vesta panel there are the following parameters:
Template Web:phpfcgid
Proxy support: yes
Template Proxy:caching
In opencart, compression is html = 6, there is a journal theme in it, you only have minifier css, js, html in performance, you
registered it in htaccess just in case, but this should not work in theory because of ngnx, right?

<ifModule mod_expires.c>

# Add correct content-type for fonts
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The result is ~1 second server response, noticeably faster site performance, and a lot of bugs .. there were. In page speed points, a maximum of 60 for the mobile and 35 for the desktop version of the site, but not a cake.
Question: what else can be optimized and how?)
site can be viewed here

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2 answer(s)
Kirill Gorelov, 2018-03-14

You need to understand whether the server, opencart or your code is slowing down.
And fix it. But I think it's in the code. Maybe some template or custom plugin is on the site and it torts it. It is hard to say.
If the code breaks, you can profil the code and identify weaknesses.
yes, the site is down again (

web-mechanic, 2018-03-26

cache getting list of partitions

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