hellcaster2018-08-16 20:16:55
hellcaster, 2018-08-16 20:16:55

What does Node.js want from me?

When I run gulpfile (namely gulp html), Node.js says I didn't fulfill some promises
[20:12:49] Starting 'html'...
(node:4548) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection ( rejection id: 2): [object Object]
(node:4548) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

|              Required all plugins                 |
  del          = require("del"),
  gulp         = require("gulp"),
  webp         = require("gulp-webp"),
  minify       = require("gulp-csso"),
  sass         = require("gulp-sass"),
  rename       = require("gulp-rename"),
  run          = require("run-sequence"),
  plumber      = require("gulp-plumber"),
  postcss      = require("gulp-postcss"),
  csscomb      = require("gulp-csscomb"),
  autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer"),
  posthtml     = require("gulp-posthtml"),
  svgstore     = require("gulp-svgstore"),
  imagemin     = require("gulp-imagemin"),
  imgRetina    = require("gulp-img-retina"),
  include      = require("posthtml-include"),
  resizer      = require("gulp-images-resizer"),
  server       = require("browser-sync").create();

|                Plugins settings                   |
const retinaOpts = {
  suffix: { 2: '@2x', 3: '@3x' }

|                    Gulp style                     |
gulp.task("style", function() {
    .pipe(sass().on("error", sass.logError))

|                    Gulp html                      |
gulp.task("html", function() {
  return gulp.src("src/*.html")

|                    Gulp sprite                     |
gulp.task("sprite", function() {
  return gulp.src("src/img/svg/icon-*.svg")
      inlineSvg: true

|               Gulp retina @2x                     |
gulp.task("[email protected]", function() {
  return gulp.src("src/img/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}")
      width: "200%"
    .pipe(rename({ suffix: "@2x"}))

|               Gulp retina @3x                     |
gulp.task("[email protected]", function() {
  return gulp.src("src/img/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}")
      width: "300%"
    .pipe(rename({ suffix: "@3x"}))

|               Gulp retina FULL                    |
gulp.task("retina", function(done) {
  run (
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",

|               Gulp convert .webp                  |
gulp.task("webp", function() {
  return gulp.src("build/img/**/*.{png,jpg}")
    .pipe(webp({ quality: 90 }))

|              Gulp minify img                      |
gulp.task("images", function() {
  return gulp.src("src/img/**/*.{png,jpg,svg}")
    .pipe(imagemin([imagemin.optipng({ optimizationLevel: 3 }),
      imagemin.jpegtran({ progressive: true }),

|           Gulp imageFullCycle                     |
gulp.task("imageFullCycle", function(done) {
  run (

|           Gulp copy all to build                  |
gulp.task("copy", function() {
  return gulp.src([
    ], {
      base: "src"

|                 Gulp clean build                  |
gulp.task("clean", function() {
  return del("build");

|                    Gulp BUILD                     |
gulp.task("build", function(done) {

|                    Gulp SERVER                     |
gulp.task("serve", function() {
    server: "build/"

  gulp.watch("src/sass/**/*.scss", ["style"]);
  gulp.watch("src/*.html", ["html"]);
  gulp.watch("src/js/*.js").on("change", server.reload);

(I think it's something with an include)
"scripts": {
    "test": "gulp style",
    "build": "gulp build",
    "start": "npm run build && gulp serve"

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2 answer(s)
hellcaster, 2018-08-16

The problem was not in gulp or node.js, but in the include paths (you need to specify from the gulpfile.js file, and not from the current file)

ixon, 2018-08-16

This is just a warning.

Отказ. Предупреждение. Отклонения от необработанных обещаний устарели. В будущем обещание отклонения, которое не обрабатывается, приведет к завершению процесса Node.js с ненулевым кодом выхода.

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