Denis Savitsky2013-01-23 12:54:34
Denis Savitsky, 2013-01-23 12:54:34

What can replace "drop_receiving_element" for compatibility with Rails 3+?

html += drop_receiving_element "drop-#{issue.id.to_s}-#{column.status.id.to_s}",
                                       :url => { :action => "update", 
                                                 :where => column.status.id.to_s, 
                                                 :drop => issue.id.to_s,
                                                 :version => @version },
                                       :hoverclass => "hover",
                                       :before => "Element.hide(element)"

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `drop_receiving_element' for #<#<Class:0x007f9b7b79fef0>:0x007f9b7bc00be8>):
    13:           <% swimline.columns.each do |c| %>
    14:             <% last = true unless i != swimline.columns.length - 1 %>
    15:             <% i += 1 %>
    16:             <%= draw_content(c, col, colLength, swimline.height(@filter) * @dashboard.line_height, @dashboard.maintrackers, last, @filter) %>
    17:           <% end %>
    18:         <% end %>
    19:       <% end %>

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1 answer(s)
shebanoff, 2013-01-26

I understand correctly that you are migrating from 2.3 to 3.1+? Your problem is most likely related to rails moving to jQuery. Have you tried linking prototype-rails back ? Apparently, this gem will return the functionality you need (but I would look for jQuery alternatives if I were you, because prototype is dead ).

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