vladocc2017-03-23 11:56:02
vladocc, 2017-03-23 11:56:02

What can help the hard drive and what happened to it at all?

After installing the ancient and, it seems, not very correctly working software, Windows started to run chkdsk every time it started.
At one point, he said that system32 was corrupted and did not start anymore.
I tried different tools, like Victoria, HDD Regenerator and others. Formatted the disk.
Ran chkdsk /f and /r.
As a result, I reached the point that I completely formatted the disk using the HDD Low Level Format Tool. After the reinstallation, only a couple of hours have passed since then, and Windows already wants to check the disk again and swears that some files are damaged.
What can help here? What could it possibly be? Formatting was supposed to save the disk from logical damage.

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6 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2017-03-23

see smart. Smart data decryption is provided on every corner. If there are errors, most likely the disk will have to be sent to the shredder. In general, the symptoms are similar to physical damage.

Ivan, 2017-03-23

And what about the software? Especially since you formatted the disk?
what do they say about SMART
The final disc arrives, which ... Checkdisk corrects (mostly) just physical problems. Its frequent appearance means that either the last operation was completed incorrectly (these are just logical errors, but they occur due to physical influence, for example, a hard reset); or that the disk area is corrupted and again a read/write error.

Sly_tom_cat ., 2017-03-23

A trash can will help this railway.
Go buy a new drive.

Dmitry, 2017-03-23

I summarize my comment on one of the answers:
1) to tell exactly if everything is OK in SMART, you need not just to see OK, but to check the RAW values ​​​​for each parameter
2) Good SMART != good disk (at the same time, bad SMART = bad disk)
3) check the surface
4) do not do a quick format, but overwrite all data
5) use the manufacturer's utility to fully check the disk (DOS version of Seatools, for example)
To answer the question itself, you need to know exactly the result of all actions. If the answer is "Nothing serious was found" without details, then the verdict is - use the disk to your health.

Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2017-03-23

How can Windows software fix a PHYSICAL error?
Say "remap" to the disk.
In Windows 10, as I already wrote, this utility is extended: first you can check the disk without locking it, and then /spotfix (Only for NTFS: spot fixes errors in the volume.)

evgeniy_lm, 2017-03-23

>>What can help here?
Buying a new HDD, or rather a new computer
Dead HDD, of course.
From the logical yes, from the physical no. Some areas of the HDD are on the verge of extinction, i.e. they are formatted but the data is not particularly well preserved.

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