PO6OT2015-11-18 21:24:04
PO6OT, 2015-11-18 21:24:04

What books to read for a quick transition from PHP to C # (3-5 days is ~ 50 pages + practice)?

I am a web developer (shitcoder, but not the essence), I only know PHP from languages, but I easily master new material. And I had a difficult situation:
I went to the regional Olympiad in Informatics. It turned out that only Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic and Turbo Pascal were allowed to use (of course, PHP could hardly be found on this list).
The Olympiad began and I had no choice but to write in my own language (on a piece of paper). Having entered the computer class, I sat in despondency for a long time, but then I discovered that C #, which was scribbling on neighboring screens, was to my liking and tried to rewrite something from the sheet.
Yes, I am in 10 minutes. translated the code of 1 of 3 programs from PHP to C#.
Very strange, but I got 3rd place and I'm going to the city. There, I don't think it will work.
The city Olympiad should take place within a week (the exact date is unknown) and it is urgent to learn the language required by the Olympiad.
What would you recommend for a quick transition from PHP to C#?
Found a similar question , but it's about learning from scratch, not transitioning.

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3 answer(s)
pomeo, 2015-11-18

Here is a great site, the base for the desired language is quickly loaded into the brain

Alexander Taratin, 2015-11-18

Just forget about all these Olympiads. They won't give you anything.

GavriKos, 2015-11-18

I advise you to take, for example, Schildt, and minimally study the syntax. In Olympiads, as far as I remember, knowledge of the language or some complex constructions are not tested, but algorithmic thinking is tested. Those. you don't need reflection or Linq to successfully solve problems - basic knowledge is enough.

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