maxxxixxxx2014-08-19 04:09:25
Search Engine Optimization
maxxxixxxx, 2014-08-19 04:09:25

What are the top services for website promotion?

What can you say about rookee.ru?
I use Sape, I bought links, but somehow they are not indexed very much.
I am looking for alternative options so that I can choose a region and topics and promote.

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2 answer(s)
Vladislav Gasanov, 2014-08-19

Try Seopult.ru

Puma Thailand, 2014-08-19

the problem is that in such services you need to put your head to work, if instead of sitting and choosing good donors with normal indexing for three days without getting out, you bought shitty links, then alas, no services will help you

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