vxvxvx2018-12-21 14:32:46
Career in IT
vxvxvx, 2018-12-21 14:32:46

What are the requirements for a frontend junior?

I am newbie.
I've been learning frontend for a few months now.
I know html/css, javascript, I started to study React (together with node and express I grab a little bit).
It would seem (at least for me) that knowledge is enough for a simple job, but when I look at the requirements for a junior, I get a little bewildered.
I don’t know how it is in big cities, but in Voronezh, a front-end junior should be able to do back-end, front-end, mobile development (natively and on both platforms) + administer Linux.
What is the minimum required for a newcomer to get a job?
PS I have seen a few similar questions, but they are either old or completely off topic.

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9 answer(s)
Dave, 2018-12-21

Why are newcomers required a lot and inadequately?
Because these newcomers like you are like mushrooms after the rain. They eat 50 every day, who are eager to get at least some work.
Here - imagine, let's say there is a beautiful girl, free. Can you imagine how many guys will roll up to her in every possible way? What happened next? Her self-esteem rises quickly and imperceptibly. Now the requirements for the guys are higher - now, at least, so that there is a car and an income of 100K per month.
The same is true in the IT market now. You are in the role of one of these guys, and the employer is in the role of this beautiful young lady.
Secondly, what does native and on both platforms mean? Natively and on both platforms - this implies knowledge of SWIFT and Java (with all their frameworks and daily libraries).
Thirdly, what else administration?
From the employer's point of view, it's just not ethical and dangerous to give a teenager root access from the server.
And now to the point:
In fact, there are much more inadequate employers than adequate ones, so the requirements that you will come across are mostly inadequate. Don't forget to consider where you live.
You should know:
- Pure JS (both old and new ECMA2016)
- Jquery, Bootstrap
- At the basic level of frameworks (Angular 5+, React)
Not required to know perfectly. I should know at such a level that - I don’t know how to do this, now I’ll look on the Internet and try to implement it myself.
And it is highly desirable to have a repository on GitHub with your own, even small developments.
The rest - the more the better.

Saboteur, 2018-12-21

Go to job interviews.
What they say is not always true.
Without a personal trip to 5-10 interviews, the answers on the toaster are unlikely to help you.

sober_cat22, 2018-12-21

Jun doesn't need to know much. In the vast majority of cases, html, css, js + some mainstream framework (react, vue, angular) is enough. All that is above - various front-end tools, preprocessors and so on, I won’t even count, because it takes a few days or a week to learn. The problem is that most of those who apply for the position of a junior do not even know this at the proper level.

Puma Thailand, 2018-12-21

What's stopping you from going to any vacancy and seeing

Dmitry, 2018-12-21

I don't understand why be a junior? If you don't know something, learn BEFORE going to work and you will be middle.

Anton Filippov, 2018-12-22

basics html/css/js, react/vue, npm, google

Sanes, 2018-12-22

Must know exactly what they do in this organization. If there is a conveyor of cheap sites, then they didn’t give a damn about react and other angulars. It would be better if you knew how to draw and enough CSS / Jquery.
This is especially true for small regional studios. Where development is in 10th place. Earn on promotion.

tutuborg, 2019-07-28

I don’t know how it is in big cities, but in Voronezh, a front-end junior should be able to do back-end, front-end, mobile development (natively and on both platforms) + administer Linux.

Yeah. And I want a salary of 100 rubles a month.
These are just employers' dreams.
And the dreams of employees are smoothies and a pool in the office, you can only go to work once every 2 months (for money). Money - 1 million per month + quarterly shares of the enterprise. At work, do what you want to do. Each developer is assigned a personal tester, a personal designer and a personal stripper.
These are all the same unreal dreams of workers.
It's the same for employers.
If you really know how to do all this that is described by you, then you can kick open the door to the office of any director in the IT field and demand a salary at the level of the same director. I'm serious.

Vladimir Malkov, 2018-12-21

  • Good knowledge of vanilla.js (ECMA2016+)
    The rest is optional:
    • Node.js
    • socket.io

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