Evtera2020-06-18 15:01:02
Evtera, 2020-06-18 15:01:02

What are the pros and cons of buying a ready-made website on WP? Where is the best place to buy?

Good day. Friends asked me to make a website, but judging by their requirements, it would be better and cheaper to just buy a ready-made website on WP, for example, from here https://shabloner.ru/.

In fact, what are the pros and cons? Maybe take some other CMS?
Will it be possible in the future to somehow develop the purchased site, attach some kind of back with feedback forms, registration, etc.?

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Vasilev, 2020-06-18

If you don’t want to bother: https://tilda.cc/
If you want something ready-made, but then screw something on, take a ready-made template (WP) at https://themeforest.net/
Otherwise, there are plenty of designers and ready-made solutions.

xenonhammer, 2020-06-18

Vodpress is a giant that has been a leader in its niche for many years. A huge number of plugins will help you solve any problems. this is a plus. and in general, if you need a site without problems, then why not WordPress. even if you can’t figure something out, the army of freelancers will help you do whatever you want

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