Andrey_Openchenko2014-11-20 09:06:53
Programming languages
Andrey_Openchenko, 2014-11-20 09:06:53

What are the most popular programming languages ​​and what tasks do they solve?

Hello! Please tell us about the most popular programming languages ​​and, most importantly, what tasks do they solve? It would be nice to see such a structure of the answer "C++ - for this and that, etc., etc.". Please do not write "It depends for what purposes and what you want to do ...". Thank you.

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10 answer(s)
Anatoly Scherbakov, 2014-11-20

Any general-purpose programming language used in practice is Turing-complete. This means that a program written on it is capable of performing all the actions that an abstract Turing-Post machine can perform - a carriage that marks cells on an endless tape, reads marks on them, and rewinds the tape in both directions. Despite the complexity of all existing software systems, no modern computer, in principle, can do anything that this carriage is not capable of.
In other words, this means that all modern programming languages ​​are essentially equivalent. If you can write something in one language, then by and large you can get the same functionality in another.
Yes, there are nuances: you cannot write an operating system in JavaScript or a kernel-level debugger in Python. Yes, computer games are written in C++ to achieve maximum speed, and web applications are often written in Python, Ruby, or PHP.
But fundamentally, all that C, Python, Java, even Haskell are all Turing complete, they all run on the same von Neumann architecture. And they are all fundamentally equivalent. Well-written Python code and equally well-written Go code, as long as they have the same functionality, may differ in many implementation details, but the essence of them will be the same. If you rewrite this piece of code in Haskell - well, it will look very different, but the essence will still remain the same.
Understand it. There are no other languages ​​than Turing-complete, no computers other than the von Neumann machine. That's all we have, and the rest is details.
But you seem to be a beginner and are tormented by a choice. Stop suffering, take some simple language, the same Python - I advise it to everyone - and do something, do something. If later it turns out that you cannot live without pointer management, switch to C, that's okay. If you really want monads and categories - Haskell or Scala are waiting for you. Such is life: solutions are found iteratively, by the method of successive approximations. Take action.

Sergey, 2014-11-20

For what purpose and what do you want to do...

Sergey Lerg, 2014-11-20

You are asking the wrong question. It is necessary not to look for a task for a programming language, but to look for suitable languages ​​for specific tasks.

Nwton, 2017-02-18

1) Similar situations happened to me when, after several months of development, the project started to get worse, I felt sick, I wanted to forget about it. This period must be lived through.
2) Do not give up and continue to pore, only not on the software part, but on promotion. By the way, this stage is the most difficult, especially if the budget is small.

xmoonlight, 2017-02-18

1. Promotion of your project and create an "information cloud" through SMM (social networks), etc.
2. Look at the statistics of the growth / fall of visits, and the number of registrations and pages viewed = audience interest in the project.
3. At this stage, there is no point in buying paid advertising.

Sanes, 2017-02-18

To do nothing. You have already lost interest in him. Start new.

Lenar Shagiev, 2017-02-23

In any business, no matter what you do, at a certain moment a "pit" comes, this is normal. Most people give up at this moment and do not get any result, this is also normal.
The reason is that there was an area that you understood - this is product development. And now you have come to an incomprehensible area - promotion. Due to the fact that you do not have a clear, clear vision of exactly what actions to do, your brain tries to save energy and drain the project.
You need to find someone who has more experience promoting these services than you do. And book a consultation with him. Definitely for money. (If you just ask for free advice, then I guarantee that you will not apply anything from the reference).
Where to get such a person - if you don’t know anyone, then just write on your social networks to be advised who to turn to for a paid consultation, they will probably tell you.

Vasily Nazarov, 2017-02-19

In principle, there is a possibility that your site-project, in general, is not needed by anyone. If it turns out that way, it will be a good experience, if you understand that this happens to literally everyone.
If you're lucky, and it turns out that there is interest in the project - learn to "sell" it yourself or find a partner who shares the idea and who hasn't "burned out"

Denis, 2017-02-27

The reason for the loss of inspiration is most likely the following.
When the project was small, the slightest changes moved the progress by leaps and bounds, you saw it and enjoyed the work done. Now it's time for grinding, when a lot of small but necessary improvements are made. You do not see them, so there is no such satisfaction as before.
I advise you to make a list of all these small tasks, for example in Google sheets. The larger the list, the better. As you complete, do not delete them, but mark them as completed. You can clean up the list once every 1-2 weeks.
With this approach, you will kill 2 birds with one stone: you will see your progress, significantly increase productivity.
The main thing is not to get hung up on one task. Completed one, marked as completed, moved on to the next.

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