Eugene Ordinary2017-12-24 14:31:43
Eugene Ordinary, 2017-12-24 14:31:43

What are the features of HDD disk for servers, NAS and RAID? Should I use it as the main computer?

I bought a WD Red 1 TB drive (WD10EFRX) . Then I read the specifications in more detail. It turns out that it is intended for servers, for NAS and RAID. What exactly are these characteristics? Is it normal to use it as the main and only drive on a regular computer, or is it better to exchange it for WD Blue Desktop 1 TB (WD10EZRZ) , which is designed for desktops?

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6 answer(s)
Alex-1917, 2017-12-24

Yes, well, they advised you)))
Both of your links for the system disk do not fit a little more than completely!
How can you recommend them at all??!!
Speed ​​5400rpm!! wow! These are archives, video surveillance, etc.
Red is more shockproof, but in fact the same thing, naked marketing!
Look for 7200rpm, well, that's how ssd has long been for anyone who works at least a little on a computer ... Toys are a separate story.
How can 5400rpm be recommended to the system in December 2017??!!!

athacker, 2017-12-25

Do not mind it. You can use it on your home computer without restrictions. About reliability - on average, server disks are better tested, and the likelihood that they will work for a long time is higher. Sharpening for NAS / RAID means, in the case of the Red line, that the timeouts in case of failures are reduced in the firmware so that the disk does not get stuck trying to read a bad sector, but gives the controller an error faster.
And also there the head positioning algorithm has been modified to work in vibration conditions - when a pack of disks is in one basket, the basket vibrates (and the disks, respectively), and therefore it is more difficult to accurately position the head. HZ, how WD Red decides at the software level, but this is what they have stated.

Puma Thailand, 2017-12-24

All sorts of small buns are there, you can easily insert into a regular computer

VoidVolker, 2017-12-24

The main feature of such disks is a more "stupid" firmware, which is designed to work as part of an array and under the control of an external controller, which resolves all difficult situations taking into account all the disks in the array (for example, data corruption or some errors in the process), calculation for 24/7/365 continuous operation, as well as, in some cases, an extended warranty - which affects the increase in their cost. Home PCs turn on / off regularly - which can adversely affect such a drive. In addition, today HDDs are not used at all as disks for the system - only SSDs, as you were correctly told earlier.

Mikhail Vasilyev, 2017-12-24

You checkers or go? If you want reliability - block the raid, and it doesn't matter if it's a desktop or a server. It is important that you should know in advance how in 2-3 years you will realize that one of the halves has fallen off (and forbid you, someone-may-be-fall to start RAID-5 out of miserliness!).
If you want performance, then RAID should be built from fast disks
- well, at least 7200rpm, or better - 10k or SSD.
Once you work on NVMe disks, you won’t even want to look at the HDD again, except perhaps in backup tasks.

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