Ivan Klimchuk2012-02-26 20:41:40
Ivan Klimchuk, 2012-02-26 20:41:40

What are the basic principles for designing and creating a wiki resource?

Good afternoon.

We use wikis almost every day. Everything is familiar, nothing is in doubt and everything is clear. But still, what are the principles and rules for creating wiki-like resources? A resource is not a site or service, but a document, a page .

What comes to mind:
- versioning
- support for internationalization
- multiple editing

What other principles are there that must be followed? Is there any standard or specification on the wiki?

Thanks in advance.

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2 answer(s)
MAXH0, 2012-02-27

I think the main principle is written in the Wiki textbook - "Don't trust" .

Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2012-02-27

Wiki syntax
Page hierarchy
In general, install any wiki engine, I think it will be clearer

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