carrot_jelly2012-11-06 10:20:07
carrot_jelly, 2012-11-06 10:20:07

What are the additional methods for behat+mink?

Good day.
I recently began to master behat and mink and now I came across the following problem.
I use behat + mink + minkExtension, minkExtension itself contains a bunch of methods, but in the course of writing scripts, I had to add my own.
If you add methods to Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext, then everything works fine. _But I don't understand how to make the methods pull from another file, such as FeatureContext.
Maybe someone here has worked with a similar one and can explain what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Davert, 2012-11-06

Have you tried Codeception? There, the ability to add methods to your modules is provided and is quite transparently described in the documentation. The same Mink is used.

alexeyshockov, 2012-11-12

docs.behat.org/guides/2.definitions.html - everything is detailed here, all new steps are defined by default in the FeatureContext. If any of this does not work for you, then you need more information for debugging - look at the configuration, where you missed something.

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