Igor2019-10-30 16:39:01
System administration
Igor, 2019-10-30 16:39:01

What am I missing?

Good evening dear ones.
I want to add a little preface for clarity.
There is me, a secondary specialized education in VTIPO (Computer Engineering and Software), the training lasted 3 years and 10 months, only in the last 6 months of work experience I realized that I like to administer and I would not mind connecting my life with it. It turned out that I was like a boy with a head, but I myself was cunning. Passed the competition for the civil service (at the place of practice) and got a vacancy. By the way, there I was an ordinary enike (whom I remained) ala roll up the OS, enter the domain, fix the MFP, connect the printer, connect two or three computers so that they have shared access to some files / folders. When I came to officially get a job there, they pulled me out of the building and said, “Neim, there is a good vacancy for the civil service as well, but the salary is much higher, but the responsibility will be greater.” Without thinking, I agreed and went there. There was an interview at which, about system administration, I could only say that I did a graduation project on Windows 2012, made a shared network storage, ftp access, set up a regular internal chat. But, because they recommended me, they took me for a trial period (3 months). It's already the end of the 1st month. I was sent to one of the serious offices, where I was given the task to raise a backup server on debian'e using rsync. I did this for about 10 working days (I had never worked with Linux before), after that I was told that I should backup the database (MariaDB) from the same web server, now I'm working on it. Every day I face problems like why there is no network on my server, why MariaDB does not give access for backup, I don’t know how to deal with some issues, because some equipment is like smart cisco, I saw servers with my own eyes for the first time. What is the probability that I will be kicked out after probation? How to approach the curator with a question? He believes that I should learn everything myself, because that's how he studied. I am engaged in enikey, and also have the task of making a backup server. I'm afraid to call again (ip-telephony) with a question. I'm afraid to seem stupid, stupid, ignorant. I would love to read your replies/comments. Thanks in advance. All good. Thanks in advance. All good. Thanks in advance. All good.

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5 answer(s)
Robur, 2019-10-30

Approach the curator and ask "I've been working here for so long, and the probationary period is coming to an end, how do we evaluate my work? Something may need to be tightened up, corrected so that at the end of the probationary period there is no doubt about its successful completion ". Ask about the good things about yourself and about the shortcomings.
And listen carefully to what he says - if it’s about the fact that you raised the server for 10 days, but you should have done it faster, then it’s important, and you need to learn to do it faster, and if about the fact that while you were raising the server, Ivan Palych could not start the solitaire - then it means that it is important that Ivan Palych be satisfied and you will be forgiven for 15 days of fuss with the server if the solitaire works smoothly.
State structures have their own priorities and principles of evaluation - you will understand them, and you will get a good job. Don't get imbued - there will be problems even if you deploy a new cluster in the middle of the night with your left heel without waking up.

Chingiz Khalafov, 2019-10-30

Well, if you are one IT for the whole office, on which everything and everyone lies, starting with installing a printer, setting up network equipment (

smart cisco
) and ending with servers, then at least you need not quite basic knowledge of networking and security (firewall, NGFW), since one without the other (for example, backup without properly configured network access) does not work. Good luck!

Saboteur, 2019-10-30

* For incomprehensible tasks, spend 20-30 minutes of googling terminology. If you have an understanding, try to solve. If there is no understanding, contact the curator to clarify where to dig. If there is an understanding, but there are several options, you can also contact the curator, briefly voice them so that he can help with the choice of which way to go better.
* You need to go to the curator EVERY time if you have a feeling that the task may not be completed on time.
* If the deadline is not specified, just tell the curator that "there is such a task, I have not encountered it before, so I can't say how long it will take. I'll try to figure it out myself, but if it doesn't work out, what are the deadlines for the task so that I come for help in time."
In addition to a call, you can knock out a messenger or another convenient way for non-urgent questions from the curator.
Catch the main idea of ​​these points, and think over your behavior for the rest of the cases.
Such an approach, among other things (calm nerves, solving problems), should show the curator the level of your responsibility, which, in principle, should be that if you were given a task, they can forget about it, because either you solve it or notify yourself about the problem on time, and not lose, score, raise the alarm 5 seconds before the deadline.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-10-30

What is the probability that I will be kicked out after probation?

If you spent 10 days mastering the articles "Installing Debian on a server" and "Copying files with rsync", then it is high.
By all means try to stay at work, ask the curator to give you a chance and put in a good word.
Now hammer the turnover - specific articles to address specific issues. As time will be freed (after the expiration date), read the big theory - "Linux. Administrator's Guide" and "Linux Command Line for the Littlest", these are books. You can also read Kisko's classic CCNA preparation guide.
I hope you don’t write the same sheets in Google when you request?

Alibaba2018, 2019-10-30

Go to the most important thing, throw yourself at his feet and blame everything on HAR.
Then cry that at first they didn’t want to take this position, because. they didn’t want to let anyone down, but HR said that stopudova would help, that there would be trainings, that there would be an introductory period where they would tell / show about everything / but there was nothing like that, there was not even a promised mentor, besides the trial period as such, so you are ready to wear a shirt You really like this office so much, people, and what a smart and honest, kind, and just a treasure man is the boss. Say that you come home and have already begun to write down a diary, how in the future you can offer to improve some things, start taking the initiative, but of course only at the suggestion of the boss, and not across the dad, you can’t sleep at night about this, and you also recently met your a distant relative from the FSB/MVD/Prosecution Office, cat. He told you that he was appointed to a new position in Glaucus, and that he advised you personally as a father and father to come to confession, but you already like working in this company so much, and in general, the team is already like a native. Children, tell the boss what else is wonderful, you also want the same friendly good family, the boss was lucky, etc., etc.

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