Nostr2012-04-30 13:02:03
System administration
Nostr, 2012-04-30 13:02:03

Virtual switch

What are the possibilities for implementing a virtual switch, router, etc. together with the use of virtualization?

Of the existing solutions, I only know GNS, but there some things do not work as we would like ...

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5 answer(s)
cepera_ang, 2012-05-01

If you need training (it’s not very good to start up any emulators in production), then google Cisco IOU. This is a full-fledged Linux-based cisco device emulator, it accepts CCIE labs, there is a Chinese assembly in the form of a virtual machine with a configured CCIE rack of six devices - 4 routers and 2 switches with bridging to a real network.

Puma Thailand, 2012-04-30

Cisco has a lot of software for emulating virtual routers and switches.

2be, 2012-05-01

If I understand you correctly, look towards RouterOS from Mikrotik. Great for virtualization.

JDima, 2012-05-02

The tsiska has a virtual switch under vSphere - Nexus 1000v. Recently, a virtual firewall has appeared. But they cost money, as does the Enterprise Plus VSphere license. And such a decision is justified only in a limited number of cases.

Alexander Kovalenko, 2012-08-07

if for a lab, 2950 now costs quite adequate money (in the region of 50 bucks you can buy)

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