andrushkaaaa2010-10-13 15:22:02
Law in IT
andrushkaaaa, 2010-10-13 15:22:02

Using a personal account on an Internet project

We need to sell advertising to legal entities on the site. There are two payment methods.

  1. Conclude one agreement on depositing money into a personal account, and then deduct money from a personal account when buying advertising.
  2. conclude an agreement each time you purchase a specific advertising package. (Thus, there will be no personal account on the site.)

Question: Does the first method involve any additional legal or accounting difficulties?

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2 answer(s)
Novikov, 2010-10-13

Only keep the account not in rubles or another currency, but in some kind of “points”. For conducting in rubles, parasites in uniform can run into, they say, you are engaged in illegal banking activities.

shsmad, 2010-10-14

If I am not confusing anything, then individual entrepreneurs can use a personal account (only pay taxes, the main thing), and use the money as they like. But an LLC will not be able to do this, because it is much more dreary with the movement of funds on accounts, because it is believed that this is not your money, but the money of an LLC ...

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