Fedor2017-07-24 10:01:45
Search Engine Optimization
Fedor, 2017-07-24 10:01:45

Useless User Generated Content: Is It Necessary?

There is a site that receives a lot of content from users. Is such content necessary and how much harm and benefit from it in terms of promotion, if 90% of this content does not meet any user requests and does not collect traffic?
Is it worth it to increase the mass of the site due to such pages or not?

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2 answer(s)
Ricchie, 2017-07-25

If this is not slag or copy-paste, then why not, today there are no requests, tomorrow they may appear.

Alena Kuzmina, 2017-09-19

in any case, this is a content update, which is a plus for SEO.
if the content does not harm in terms of positioning, etc., it will not be superfluous,
but in general, if people on your resource write about something that does not meet your needs by 90%, then you obviously have some kind of problem with the topic. let me know, let's talk

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