fedorov872016-10-18 18:18:04
fedorov87, 2016-10-18 18:18:04

Upwork - Confiscation of all earnings. How to avoid?

All of us working on Upwork carry out currency transactions. The first - when we receive money from a client to our Upwork account - it is illegal.
According to 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1: "Implementation of foreign exchange transactions bypassing authorized banks entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 75% to 100% of the transaction amount."
What does it mean? This means that when you work for Upwork, you receive money from a client to your Upwork account bypassing an authorized bank, which means that you may be subject to a fine of 100% of everything that you have received from clients to your Upwork account for the last two of the year. You are also entitled to a fine in the amount of a commission for not returning funds to the Russian Federation.
If you work through Pioneer, then it’s even more interesting, because you carry out 3 illegal currency transactions: the first time you receive money from a client to your Upvokr account, the second time you transfer money to Pioneer, and the third time you receive money from Pioneer. Total 300% penalty on earnings for the last 2 years.
It is worth noting that Upwork is happy to show all your earnings. And the Russian Federation will very soon connect to the system of automatic data exchange on accounts.
Swift is not a panacea. The client pays you in foreign currency to your Upwork account, bypassing the authorized bank - this is a completed operation, and it is a violation leading to a fine of 100% of earnings.
Does anyone have any ideas how to avoid all this?
Solution here: https://content-static.upwork.com/blog/uploads/sit...

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10 answer(s)
iSergios, 2016-10-19

However, you made up your mind. Let's take it in order.
So how do we get money from Upwok customers?
1) The client transfers money to Upwok. Well, everything seems to be clean here, no problems. We don't have money. De facto (and de jure too) the money is transferred to a bank account or other credit institution owned by Upwork.
2) Upwork credits the money to our "account". [s]And then you panic.[/s] Let's start with the fact that the money, as such, did not move anywhere. They both lay on Upwork's bank account and continue to lie there. Upwork only draws a small number on your profile and that's it. Neither legally nor actually this money belongs to you*. Upwork is not a bank, credit institution, fund or other entity authorized to deal with third parties .cash. All funds received into his accounts from customers become Upwork funds. And the fact that Upwork pays these amounts to you - it is he who manages the money belonging to him. Those. acts not just as an intermediary who transfers money from one hand to another, but as an intermediate owner. As if you bought a car from one friend, registered it in your name, and then sold / re-registered it to another friend. The fact that your profile reflects some amounts with a currency designation is not a reflection of the state of some notorious account - you do not have it on Upwork and cannot be - purely legally, this is just Upwork's promise to pay you the amount, equivalent to the specified one. And that's it. At this point, you are not yet the owner of this money, you cannot spend it.
3) Upwork "withdraws your money" (and de jure it simply transfers to your account from its own), and here are the options:
3.1) Upwork transfers money to your bank account - there are no problems, everything is clean. From the point of view of taxation, difficulties are possible if this is an account in a foreign bank, but this is not a problem, namely difficulties, and they were sorted out here.
3.2) Upwork transfers the money to your non-bank credit institution account. Options again:
3.2.1) This is PayPal or another non-bank credit organization that is officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation and included in the relevant registers - there are no problems, everything is clean. These organizations have the right to carry out transactions with currency (if they have a license, if they do not have it, they will automatically transfer these funds into the national currency, i.e. you will not receive dollars).
3.2.2) This is Skrill or another non-bank credit organization that is not registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. No problemfrom the point of view of violation of domestic legislation. Upwork transferred the money belonging to him to a certain account, which, according to the documents of an organization unregistered in the territory of the Russian Federation, belongs to you. Those. It was you who did not make any foreign exchange transactions. By the way, it is very difficult to prove the very existence, as well as the ownership of such an account to you in the case of a foreign organization. Your money is acquiring a rather interesting status quo - you can manage it, but it does not seem to fall into the legal field of the Russian Federation (as well as under the restrictions provided for by laws).
And yes, article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation actually prohibits payments in foreign currency on the territory of Russia, bypassing banks. That's all.
* In accordance with the current domestic legislation (which, by the way, is fully consistent with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law), the right of ownership includes 3 elements: possession (actual possession, including the ownership of the deposit), use (the ability to benefit from the thing) and disposal (the ability to determine the further legal fate of a thing; in relation to money - to spend it). There is no at least one of the elements - there is no property right. No ownership - no problem.

D', 2016-10-18

Какой-то бред.
- Работаешь ты не с "заказчиками", а с апворк.
- Клиент платит тебе не валютой, а фантиками, которые апворк обозначает как $ и обменивает их на $ 1к1
- Деньги копятся не у тебя, а у апворк, а он потом выплачивает эти фантики тебе.
По факту всего 1 операция перевода фантиков в $ (это делает апворк) и затем перевод на твой счет.

Пума Тайланд, 2016-10-19

ну начнем с простого
1) блаблабла я ни в чем не разобрался называется, в первом случае деньги получил апворк, а не вы , у вас нет банковского счета в апворке, вы не можете взять и потратить деньги апворка.
2) В этом случае вы полностью анонимны пока что перед российским законом и вам никто ничего предьявить не смиожет.
3) не передает это раз, во вторых он не может подключиться к этой системе потому что он не банк.
4)свифт напацея так как позволяет полностью легализовать доходы через ип или ооо
в новых правилах вашим заказчиком становится не апворк. а именно ваш заказчик и вот там становится все интереснее.

btpa, 2016-10-19

Upwork может в любой момент во ВНЕСУДЕБНОМ порядке лишить вас и аккаунта и тех "ваших" денег, что у него на счету.
Посему - расслабьтесь. То, что деньги зарезервированы на Upwork под вас - это его внутренняя кухня, а вовсе не "ваши деньги".
Вот если бы Upwork был бы полноценным банком, в котором у вас был бы полноценный счет - тогда другое дело.

Станислав Макаров, 2016-10-18

Дисклеймер: я не юрист.
не получаете вы от клиента никаких денег ни на какой счёт. Апворк - это не банк (насколько мне известно), это гарант, в нём нет счетов с реальной валютой, валюта становится реальной только когда вы выводите средства.

второй раз переводя на Пионер

могу ошибаться, но мне кажется пока вы не "ввезете" эти средства в РФ эта операция находится вне юрисдикции РФ.
Единственная операция, о которой стоит беспокоиться. Нормальные "белые" варианты обсуждались на Тостере бесчисленное количество раз (куда входит уплата налогов и проведение через валютный контроль больших сумм).

entermix, 2016-10-18

У Вас заказчиком выступает именно Upwork

andrew8712, 2016-10-19

Почитайте п. 9 ст. 1 ФЗ № 173-ФЗ «О валютном регулировании и контроле» определение валютных операций, это снимет все вопросы.

Dmitry Pavlov, 2016-10-19

Регистрируйтесь как ИП и работайте легально.

dinegnet, 2017-04-08

Все мы работая на Upwork осуществляем валютные операции. Первая - когда получаем деньги от клиента на свой счет в Апворк - она незаконна.
Счет в АпВорке - не ваш.
Этот счет принадлежит АпВорку, согласно их же оферте: АпВорк может заблокировать ваш аккаунт и забрать все ваши т.н. деньги безо всяких на то решений суда.
Упомянутый вами закон подразумевает, что нельзя класть деньги на БАНКОВСКИЕ счета.
Счета в Пайонире - такие же виртуальные. Вашими эти деньги становятся в момент получения. До того - они все храняться на одном большом банковском счете, принадлежащем Пайониру, а вовсе не на вашем личном счете.
Так что расслабьтесь.

sinitsinsv, 2017-04-28

Here is a discussion thread on Habré. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand whether it’s legal / illegal to work with Upwork under current contracts.
In the same place in the discussion they say that the contract says something like the following. "Upwork opens an escrow account for a freelancer"

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