Ryudzaki12015-10-01 19:53:04
Ryudzaki1, 2015-10-01 19:53:04

Under what pretext will they allocate ip?

Hello, under what pretext to write hetzner so that they allocate 4 ip addresses for the server.
Needed for vmmanager, ispmanager, billmanager panels, for personal vds.
To specifically singled out, and not dismissed.

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4 answer(s)
Maksim, 2015-10-01

Say that you live on the street in a cardboard box - they may regret it ....
And so - buy it.

Mark Rosenthal, 2015-10-01

Hetzner has a service for buying additional ip-addresses, you can buy a maximum of 6 ipv4, or did I misunderstand what?

sivabur, 2015-10-01

1ip - 1 $ (by the piece) approximately, change for the one who will allocate at least 200 pieces without question.

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-10-04

"virtual servers" works flawlessly, especially since you really will have them there.

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