ubw2020-08-20 18:26:27
ubw, 2020-08-20 18:26:27

UI for enterprise desktop app in 2020: Qt or Web?


We are going to develop a cross-platform enterprise-level software package. There will be a UI with video streams, maps, tables, etc. We need separate windows in order to be able to pull apart information on different monitors. There will also be a video wall.

We think about which technology to choose for UI clients, and it depends on which specialists to hire.
It seems that faster and more specialists now for the UI through the web client. Qt (QML) is good, but all the trends go towards the web ...

Please share if there are any obvious restrictions in the case of a client on the web?

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2 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2020-08-20

On the web, of course.
Electron is there, Node.js.

Jacob E, 2020-08-20

QML is much faster (due to the ability to throw out anything in C ++), but it is much easier to hire developers on the web. The only question is to hire developers of such a level that it does not brake godlessly)

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