un1t2011-09-14 09:02:28
un1t, 2011-09-14 09:02:28

Ubuntu 11.04 cursor disappearing?

Ubuntu has been standing for the 4th month already, a problem appeared a couple of days ago (probably after updates). The mouse cursor disappears. It is not clear at what moment it disappears, but during the working day such a problem arose 5 times yesterday. It is impossible to work without a cursor. After reboot it appears back. If for example to make logout that the cursor does not appear.

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3 answer(s)
Vitaly, 2011-09-14

A similar problem, physical off / on helps. mice.

Vadim Drobinin, 2011-09-14

On 11.04 I met with a similar problem: the cursor disappeared after some idle time. Removing the base unclutter package helped, maybe it will help you too.

un1t, 2011-09-14

System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers
Installed the recommended driver. Rebooted, after the reboot the gnome panel disappeared.
When I logged in, I chose Ubuntu Classic.
Hour 3 has already passed, until the cursor disappeared.

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