Aztec_uagd2021-03-24 13:59:10
Aztec_uagd, 2021-03-24 13:59:10

Trouble starting Unity. What to do?

Good afternoon! Trouble starting Unity. Window opens, freezes, some Unity Editor loading window opens, error, goodbye.
Already tried different versions, updated all the drivers, deleted and reinstalled - nothing helps.
Maybe someone had such a problem?
Tell me please!605b1b2a55e3e145724958.jpeg 605b1b3d403df387480891.jpeg 605b1b4e5f2df173148579.jpeg 605b1b587ce9d470397802.jpeg

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1 answer(s)
namee, 2021-03-24

See the logs
there for sure there is an answer of this behavior
PS It was a long time ago when the video drivers were crooked
helped launching safe-move from the command line which, I don’t remember

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