Riateche2011-03-02 22:09:22
Riateche, 2011-03-02 22:09:22

Transfer folder to Nokia X6 without USB

There is a Nokia X6 on which the USB connector has failed. You need to transfer a large folder of music to it. There are two interfaces for communications:

1. Home Wi-fi network.

2. Another phone with Bluetooth, on which you can upload the necessary files via USB. It has a regular telephone OS, if necessary, you can install a Java application.

I found a good option - install SIC on your phone! FTP client and connect to local ftp server. But, unfortunately, for some reason this client does not want to work: it says that a connection is being made, but in fact it does not even access the network (I tried known servers that work). There are no other free FTP clients. Paid does not suit me.

Another option is to use SugarSync to sync. Two minuses: only 5 GB of space (on the phone - 32 GB), there is no client for Linux.

Suggest more options.

upd. Found a Java FTP client: vftp. But when you try to connect, it freezes and does nothing good. I also found a 7zip file unpacker, which quickly “unpacks”, but no files appear. I'm starting to doubt the existence of adequate applications for symbian.

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5 answer(s)
IllariPosselt, 2011-03-02

It's strange that they called SugarSync, but forgot Dropbox. 2 giga places, but there is a client for Linux

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2011-03-02

Browser, Apache and Fired?

belk, 2011-03-02

A working FTP client is built into Opera Mini Mod (topmost link).

Doktor_Gradus, 2011-03-03

A friend of mine tells me that there is a SymSMB smart program that allows you to share folders on your phone on a Wi-Fi network.

paramobilus, 2011-03-07

How do you like the idea of ​​using an FTP server on your phone and connecting to it from your computer? I use sypftp
on my Nokia C6 . Requires python 1.9.7 to work . Of the shortcomings - does not support Cyrillic.

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