mikhanoid2011-04-22 11:36:08
Law in IT
mikhanoid, 2011-04-22 11:36:08

To the question of ethics in IT: where to apply for site censorship?

I must say right away that the issue is generally related to IT, because, as it were, the issue of legal regulation of the use of various media, ems, involvement. And don't mince the word 'censorship', read the content first.

So. Recently I have to deal with the processing and broadcasting of video signals, and in particular, manage all sorts of virtual v4l2 devices. I test them, of course, in Flash, because this is the most capricious application, and I take Flash in the mail.ru video chat - videochat.mail.ru. The penultimate time I was tested there about a month ago, and even then the situation was terrible: a bunch (excuse the expression) of recidivist masturbators of all stripes. Oh well... To hell with them, I thought, they want to destroy themselves, let them.

But yesterday, I again got to debug a new assembly of the code, and what am I facing? There are quite a lot of children in the chat, 8-10 years old, some of whom (both girls and boys - sic!) write to me in plain text: show me a pussy. At the same time, in obscene form ... At the same time, what is the most terrible (I'm not a hypocrite, but damn it, children, not even teenagers !!! where will this lead them in their development !?), they shake their bare asses in front of the camera. And since they write, it means that they are shown there and the devil knows what else they are doing there.

At the same time, mail.ru obviously knows what is going on with them in this service. It's hard not to know when the next naked concern is being searched for with a couple of clicks on the next button. Mail.ru is aware of the situation and is doing nothing. Even such a primitive precaution: a ban on access to the service for children under 18 who write their age in their questionnaires.

And this seems to be just a moral and ethical lawlessness (arranged intentionally?). In this connection, the following question arises for me: to which state service should I write a letter with a request to check all this and take action? Moreover, the holidays start tomorrow (well, of course, I don’t hope that the problem will be solved in 2 days, but the holidays are a periodic thing), many children will stay at home for a week, and for sure many of them without parents will climb into this the most video chat. Who is in charge of overseeing the ethical side of the use of IT? I ask on Habré, because there are lawyers here, well, in order to somehow raise a wave ...

PS If you have children, set up a firewall.

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6 answer(s)
ChemAli, 2011-04-22

To the prosecutor's office and Roskomnadzor. From the same opera QIP.ru broadcasts.

Alexey, 2011-04-22

Here the issue was discussed, complaints were written to Grishin and not only.

Iliapan, 2011-04-22

There is a department "K", but you can really write to the prosecutor's office. Just do not forget to get a signature under the appeal in the office.

Alexey, 2011-04-22

At least through [email protected] try to get through to department "K".

ChemAli, 2011-04-23

No K control is needed here. Because there is nothing high-tech in broadcasting genitals on the Internet. Here you should take the eggs of resource owners who do not monitor what is happening to them.

Dm Po, 2011-04-23

Don't be naive, but look at the owner of all these services: Digital Sky Technologies (DST)
As for writing, it's 90% useless. I wrote and write, but there is no reaction anywhere.
they have a purpose and obviously not a very good one.
Purely my IMHO.

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