wer_erwq2021-01-13 02:37:25
android studio
wer_erwq, 2021-01-13 02:37:25

This is my first time building an app in Android Studio. Publishing to Google Play, how to?

gives an error when downloading
Before publishing an APK or Android App Bundle to Google Play, disable debugging. Learn more about debugging APKs and Android App Bundles.
The uploaded APK or Android App Bundle was signed in debug mode. Sign the file or set in release mode. Learn more about signing apps.
Use a different package name. The com.example fragment is not allowed.
Download the .apk file.

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1 answer(s)
Oleg, 2021-01-13

Before publishing the application in the player, take the
agreement seriously.
Section 8
Pitfalls in practice. Strike can fly even for a remote application.
4.7. Users are encouraged to contact you with any questions regarding problems with your Products. As between You and Google, You are solely responsible for providing technical and other support for Your Products and handling all related claims, and Google shall be held harmless from such liability. You agree to provide and maintain your accurate contact details that will be displayed on your Product detail pages so that users can contact you for support and legal issues. You must respond to customer questions related to paid Products or in-app transactions within three business days, and urgent questions related to Products or their support (as defined by Google) within 24 hours.
This is the burden you take on.
In case of violations and blocking of your account, you will not be able to create a new one.
All other Google services and those accounts
that Google considers "related" can also be blocked.
If you do not understand the message of the answer, then it is too early to publish the application after you have collected it for the first time. Practice on w3bsit3-dns.com

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