Hosting Yaroslavl2018-01-26 23:13:34
Hosting Yaroslavl, 2018-01-26 23:13:34

There is a server on VDS - Debian. How to deploy a copy on a computer in a virtual machine for experiments?

There is a server on VDS - Debian. How to deploy a copy on a computer in a virtual machine for experiments?

I want to raise it on my home computer on some virtual machine under Windows ...
If the daduk is a topic in the form of some kind of file, what should I do with the resulting file?
What is the best virtual machine to use?

How to make a full backup and deploy it?

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3 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2018-01-26

Upload the same debian to a virtual machine, and then make rsync without system files

Edward Tibet, 2018-01-29

M.b. to look towards management of configurations??? Ansible, Chef, Puppet?
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