Magnetx2018-08-16 15:26:38
Magnetx, 2018-08-16 15:26:38

The transition from the main page to others by clicking LMB does not work, only by MMB [WordPress], how to fix it?

Hello. Such a strange thing. The transition from the main page to others by clicking LMB does not work, only by MMB (open in a new tab) in WordPress. And on the other pages everything works fine, only on the main one such a phenomenon. Website vaerox.ru , Monolit template. How to fix? I will be very grateful.

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-08-16

Of course, I'm not a javascript specialist, but if you look in the console, you will see a listener for menu items, in particular for the tag <a>
On the main page, 3 handlers are hung for the a tag, on the internal 2. If you remove the "extra" handler and click on menu item, then everything works.
The extra handler is indicated on the screenshot:

Artem Gvozdev, 2018-08-16

try updating permalinks

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