Alexey Medvedev2016-03-28 13:58:36
Alexey Medvedev, 2016-03-28 13:58:36

The same information on thousands of sites. Can it be used?

I came across the information (article) I need, which I want to add to the application on Android. The site says that copying a file only with a hyperlink to the source (in principle, nothing new, like the others). I copied some of the information into a search engine, gave out 94 thousand results. On the first pages, everything is definitely a carbon copy. The real author is unknown.
Question: Is it possible to consider such information public and use it without fear of getting a hat from the guys from Google, who will complain to one of the sites ("real author") that copied the information?

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2016-03-28

and when he complains - how will you justify the rights to the content to Google? "on the Toaster allowed"?

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