Proofer2014-09-15 13:53:31
Proofer, 2014-09-15 13:53:31

The microphone hisses. Would an external USB audio card help?

There is a stationary computer and a SteelSeries Siberia V2 headset without a USB card. The headset in terms of sound for the game is good, but the microphone is rather quiet. You have to twist up to + 20dB. But the problem is different: there is annoying loud hissing and buzzing when communicating with people via Skype / TS and when recording audio. Moreover, this hiss remains even when the microphone is turned off on the headset itself (the microphone is turned on in the system). I noticed such a feature that when you start recording audio, this hiss is barely audible and grows in a matter of seconds. When you touch the PC case with your hand, the buzz disappears, but the hiss remains. Reducing the microphone gain does not help. As an option, use noise suppression, but this does not suit me, because. the voice is significantly distorted, and this is not ice. I tried the headset on another computer (already a laptop) and the hiss disappeared even at +20dB. I guess that the problem is grounding, which I know little about) I heard somewhere that buying an external USB card (for example SteelSeries Siberia USB Soundcard) will help in such a situation) Is this true? Tell. I don't want to throw money away unknowingly.

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3 answer(s)
sabotage_kyrazh, 2014-09-15

If you connect through the front audio input, then this is the problem.
If this does not help, then play around with the drivers, first of all update them, poke any noise reduction. The owner of Siberia himself and the problem was resolved by pulling the microphone switch, although I think this is more of an individual problem.

Evgeny Nizamiev, 2014-09-15

idea might help.
I personally grounded the computer case and shielded all signal wires. Then just a hiss will remain, if you turn on the noise reduction, then there is practically no noise

Arthur Mikhailovich, 2014-09-24

Surely grounding, a usb card - will help, in extreme cases, if you take it not in the barryzhnaya store itself - you should return the money within 14 days, if I'm not mistaken. And during this time you can check.
And why is it not an option to screw the wire to the battery?)
In general, the noise on the case usually arises from a poor-quality PSU, it happens. Rarely something else. I'd check the PSU just in case it's not a cheap chain.

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