aikfrost2015-11-05 13:40:33
aikfrost, 2015-11-05 13:40:33

The maximum number of users at the same time and working with the database - which CMS / framework is better?

Task: it is necessary to make a board site, where there will be from 5,000 users at the same time, who will create their own content and work with other people's content through the database, while user content will be rated online on the main page.
Question: What CMS / framework (engine) best solves the problem with support for the maximum number of users at the same time, does not hang, does not slow down, and at the same time has a spectacular built-in mechanism for working with one of the popular databases or a corresponding extension to the CMS.
I would be grateful for examples of sites made on the tools you recommended!

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3 answer(s)
Yaroslav Lyzlov, 2015-11-05

Yes, anyone ... Depends on who used it. I would look towards Django if I were you. Yes, and 5000 users is not much.

Grigory Vasilkov, 2015-12-08

Sense is to reduce all work with the database to a minimum - on client frameworks, all work is done in the browser, and models are sometimes synchronized with the server and that's it.
But if somewhere on PHP you start to stir up, where after each page there are 5-500 calls to the database, it's you who sat down, buddy.

Alexander Sharihin, 2016-03-13

On the back, a clustered node will also withstand 10,000.
Organize the main database correctly. Might be worth looking into nosql.
And yes, load the client with everything you can, not the server.

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