Czternascie2018-11-19 19:56:11
Hard disks
Czternascie, 2018-11-19 19:56:11

The laptop refuses to start with Optibay. How can this problem be solved?

I bought an SSD, I read that you can install an old HDD instead of DVD, because. There is a lot of important information on the disk, and I immediately ordered an OptiBay. I put the old disk in optibey, I start the laptop and the eternal loading of Windows begins. I immediately began to sin that the HDD had MBR markup, and the SSD had GPT. With grief, I changed the markup on the hard one in half without losing data, but this did not help from the word at all. On HDD I left only a section with files, and the system was completely demolished. I tried to change the position of the switch, but also zero sense. Power is supplied to the board, the LED is constantly on.
Notebook - Asus K53TA
ZY Without Optibey, the system starts without any problems, you can see the HDD in the BIOS. I tried to start Linux in Live mode, the disk is detected without problems, i.e. hardware both optibey and HDD are in order, as I understand it.
Z.Y.Y I also tried the option with a "hot" connection of the optibey (the sata connector allows you to do this) and even in this case, Windows does not want to recognize it, generally zero reaction (
Z.Y.Y In Kali Linux LiveCD, I can even copy any files from the HDD, which is in optibey, to the SSD, after that I generally fell into a stupor and do not understand what could be the matter

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3 answer(s)
klepiku, 2018-11-19

I will add that the manufacturer's website has all the information on changing the disk
, you can also disable the active mode of hdd and then it will not try to boot
, for example, in acronis, paragon, etc., you can do this, you can
have livecd (liveflash) boot and edit the configuration
for a good transfer files where to thread and hdd format and upload again should help

Ezhyg, 2018-11-19

the laptop has GUASH (UEFI) and the old disk is selected for booting in it, you need to manually change this setting, specifying the new disk

Czternascie, 2018-11-20

klepiku , Disk WD Blue Scorpio 500GB. He cleaned it very quickly, no more than a minute. I had to remove a bit, exhausted the limit already)

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