Leroro2018-04-30 17:37:50
Leroro, 2018-04-30 17:37:50

The IP is German, but the sites define it as Russian, how?

Raised a vds server in Germany, ip German. Installed openvpn on ubuntu, made the server as a proxy. When I try to connect to prohibited sites from my computer, a message pops up about blocking this resource in Russia. How come I'm from Germany? I launch, for example, nexon launcher (games prohibited for Russia), everything works fine. So why can't I visit banned sites? What is strange, if you open a tab incognito, then some torrents open, and some do not. It feels like the browser is leaking information about me to the provider. All for educational purposes. Chrome browser, partially works in IE. Q: How do I visit those sites? Logically, I receive data by German ip, then they get to my PC in encrypted form, how does the provider know where I was? Who is the spy?

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2 answer(s)
Host-Eiweb, 2018-04-30

It will be useful:

CityCat4, 2018-04-30

Of course it drains. More precisely, the provider can request :)
There are many options to find out that you are trying to ... blow the provider :) For example - the language of the installed axis. It is unlikely that a German sitting on a German VPS will install Russian Windows for himself, right? Browser language, again

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