Ivan Ivanovich2019-03-22 18:57:25
Ivan Ivanovich, 2019-03-22 18:57:25

The image is shifting, what should I do?

Hello. I decided to add a picture to the header on my head, I thought that it would look more beautiful to make the edge peep out a little. Strictly speaking, 3 problems:
1. When scrolling down the page, the icon also shifts.
2. When adapting to a screen width of 361px, the image does not stay in its place when scrolling.
3. I wanted to give h1 text-align: center, it didn't work out.
Please tell me what is the problem, here is the code - https://jsfiddle.net/patd1854/1/

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1 answer(s)
Arseny, 2019-03-22

1. It is impossible to embed in Hn in a (in a broad sense, block to inline)
2. Positioning\margins\transformation to help

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