Messi2017-07-20 13:00:35
Messi, 2017-07-20 13:00:35

The correct option for connecting the font to the site?

I connected HelveticaNeueCyr-Light font via @font-face in otf and ttf format.
In ubuntu (chrome), Mac (chrome) everything is ok, but on Windows (Chrome) the font "jumps" letters one above the other.
What is the problem? And what is the correct way to connect fonts?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey ZSA, 2017-07-20

Font extensions woff and woff2 are needed Look at the example of connecting any google fonts font and everything will be clear right away.

Kuzya, 2017-07-20

Google Fonts has ready-made code for html and css

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