Sergey Yakovlev2018-07-26 09:11:06
Sergey Yakovlev, 2018-07-26 09:11:06

The contractor does not need TK. This is fine?

Good afternoon community. Started a website redesign. Before that, they used the services of freelancers of various kinds, now they decided to work with the studio. The guys look like professionals, but they want to work without TK.
We all know, we will do everything. Whatever they don't like in terms of layout and style, they are ready to correct, they promise even to play a little with fonts.
How acceptable is this? Will it end in an endless process of creation? Or write a formal classical TK, without our features? Or pay for the studio itself to create technical specifications for our site specifically?

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19 answer(s)
Eugene, 2018-07-26

Those. they may not do something, and then say, well, you didn’t talk about it. And they will be right, and then, of course, finish it for an additional fee. Classic.
PS: I would not contact them.

Yuri Avanesov, 2018-07-26

We also try to work without technical specifications, but we communicate with the client and ask what kind of solution they want to get and why. Technical specifications written by the client can really hurt, because firstly, not professionals write technical specifications, and secondly, they collect a whole council, as a result, it turns out not a clear technical specification, but a collection of wishes that have nothing to do with a really working concept.
After all, when you come to a restaurant, you don’t write technical specifications. You say what you want and the chef prepares it for you, maybe he is a professional. If you yourself are a professional in this - you yourself will do it.

Victor L, 2018-07-26

Without a clear TK - the result of HZ, do you have one studio per city? In my opinion, it is in their own interests to TK, since they refuse it, most likely they want to put you on service as it is fashionable now - to maintain a website, that is, all alterations and your "Wishlist" will be done at your click, but you pay

m0nym, 2018-07-26

Here only it would be necessary to fix at least some criteria for the completion of work and the receipt of payment by them .
What? They took an advance payment and refuse the TK?
You have already flown.

Puma Thailand, 2018-07-26

It will end sadly, or you need to have a frantic communication with the studio.

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2018-07-26

Well, they don’t want TK - their right in principle. And your right is to know in advance what you will get in the end. Not "we will do it, but we will decide what to fix", but agree in advance what they want to do and why.
You may not understand certain solutions, in which case their task is to explain incomprehensible places.
Can this end well? Yes. Could this end in endless rework? Yes.
Personally, my opinion is that it is ALWAYS necessary to agree in advance on the scope of work and their result. In the form you describe, they can do whatever they want. If you don't like it? Tweak a bit exactly until the moment you accept the work (this does not mean that you will like it, it means "okay, you got it, leave it like that"). They will stay with the money, and you with some result of their work. Will you use it? Maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you will.

xmoonlight, 2018-07-26

Or pay for the studio itself to create technical specifications for our site specifically?
Here is the most correct answer.
And then - sign the contract for the development and attach this TK to it.

Antonio Solo, 2018-07-27

But I would be curious to look at the sane TK for design . and the brief, the list of wishes - this is understandable, this is necessary.

Alexandra, 2018-07-27

I have not yet met a single intelligible TOR from the customer’s side, so I immersed myself in the task and wrote it myself. Therefore, yes, it is normal if the performer is a professional.

Lander, 2018-07-26

Quite normal, especially for design. If you can write technical specifications for website design, that is, you know in advance how everything should look, then why do you need a studio? Take it and draw. So in this case, TK can even hurt. Especially if you remember that the TK is consistent with a bunch of people up to the guards, then this can really drag out the deadlines!

OnYourLips, 2018-07-26

The smaller the specification, the more opportunities the performer has to issue a surrogate that meets your requirements, because all ambiguous points are interpreted in his favor.
There is only one option when this will work: you work on the project together (combining teams) and constantly control the performer. This is also a good option.

ivkol, 2018-07-26

If the redesign is with full preservation of functionality, then perhaps they work without technical specifications because they have a cool specialist who has all the work coming in. I have seen such. Moreover, they can make 2-3 options for the main one, you can choose further without any problems. But if there is no such specialist, then you are at great risk. And another nuance - whether the logic of the site is complex. If yes, then without tz it is definitely impossible.

dom1n1k, 2018-07-26

No, well, I also understand that when a performer does not require TK - we all realize that a beautiful theory differs from harsh reality. But when he refuses a direct offer... it's strange and suspicious. There are two options:
1. For some reason, they decided that the customer of the felt boots would still not write anything worthwhile, and we would do better to our taste.
2. They want to cut off your ability to make any claims later.

Johnny Smith, 2018-07-26

The contractor does not need TK
Yes. This is absolutely normal.
This approach always works, but sometimes, in rare cases, it doesn't work. If the designer is good, then he will do everything the first time and even exceed expectations. And, there are exceptions when the customer has his own idea of ​​what he wants, as a rule, these are the cases if the designer is also working for a creative person, or on some very complex project with a thousand pages. In other cases, the first time candy. When a designer works for a painter, or a sculptor, an architect, etc. people of creative professions, then yes, they need to do TK, be sure and if the amount of work is not for half a working day. If the customer is some kind of artist himself, then he has all the general idea in his head himself, but he does not have an understanding of UX / UI, layout, backend, and therefore hires performers.

Maxim Pospelov, 2018-07-31

If they work without TK, then:
- either they are confident in themselves
- or they trust you
- or they urgently need an order at any cost, quickly
- or they have survived.
The contractor needs more technical specifications than the customer. Because in any incomprehensible situation "the client is always right".
You will be able to download the rights to them, and rely on the phrase "we talked about this at the very beginning!?")))) keep this in mind.
About TOR for design
On the design (if the hands grow from where they need to) there are no hard jobs and jambs, because this is a one-component work. Any mistakes in the design can be corrected very quickly. A good designer can rework the entire layout in 2 hours, which his mother will not recognize. And technical specifications can be drawn up and agreed upon an unlimited number of times, without a guarantee that you will work with them (get tired and go to someone who does not ask uncomfortable questions).
POSSIBLE, that is why, according to the technical specifications for the design, there is an option not to bother, if everything is clear to everyone in the oral dialogue.

Alexander, 2018-08-02
Madzhugin @Suntechnic

In fact, often, very often, the performer gets such a TK that it really would not be better. Typical mistakes:
1 TOR contains conflicting requirements, or requirements that lead to an implicit contradiction.
2 TOR requires specific methods and/or technologies for implementing logic that are incompatible or poorly compatible with logic.
Usually these items are present together and mutually complement and enrich each other. Here is the last example, although it only contains point two:
The client wanted a user support system. The system should accept complaints from users on the site, then transfer them to 1C, and managers should work with them from the 1C side. In the platform on which the site is made, there is already a technical support module, although primitive, but you don’t need much from it - a form for receiving applications and a backend for registering applications in the database. However, this was not enough for the client and he found a third-party module that added tools for the manager to work with complaints on the site without access to the admin panel, a chat with the client, reports on complaints. This module was agreed upon in a long series of instances, included in the TOR and rolled out to us.
Our task was reduced to writing data exchange with 1C and cutting out manager tools, chat and reports, i.e. TOTAL functionality of the module, except for the application form, which was already implemented by the regular functionality, but here it was only repeated and worked a little worse. Well, this module also had its own backend, so I had to write an exchange for an undocumented backend.
I then compiled a report and estimated in the process that, in general, the client overpaid by about 6 times, so that the task was implemented as he wanted, and not as it should have been.
And such TK is not even every second. And here he is not fucking necessary.

devlocal, 2018-08-14

TK database professionals definitely do not work

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