Nikita Remizov2016-03-16 14:40:00
Business Informatics
Nikita Remizov, 2016-03-16 14:40:00

Template of Agreement and Application for Time Payment?

I studied the scheme of software development with time-based payment (Time & Materials or "after the fact"). As far as I understand, most often such contracts are concluded for Physical. a person and an individual entrepreneur, but we have an LLC.
Question: I wanted to find a template / example of a contract and an application for such a TM work model. Are there such templates for LLC?
Thank you.
PS: I read about the temporary payment model here:
* kuznetsov.im/digital-contracts-types
* it-lex.ru/article/vidy-dogovorov-razrabotku-po

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1 answer(s)
BBmike, 2016-03-16

no need to be smart.
The contract is the same for everyone.
in the terms of payment, write down your terms of hourly payment or whatever you have and that's it ...

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