cru5ader2016-09-26 10:22:42
cru5ader, 2016-09-26 10:22:42

Teaching programming to a child?

I wondered if anyone teaches their children programming at home? What books do you use, programs, video courses? Or maybe someone else teaches 3D Modeling (Blender for example), it would be very interesting.
Those. the answers of fathers who teach their children would be interesting.
They don’t take a child to mugs, they say it’s still small.
Child 7 years old

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10 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2016-09-26

Initially, you need to learn not languages ​​and technologies, but the basic principles of the structure of this world, understanding logic and decision making, the ability to find new solutions to simple problems with the highest possible result.
All this should be in a playful way and be as interesting and easy to understand as possible.
For example, on a walk, you can ask:
And the like.
It will remain for him (already without your help!) to learn any language in order to become a coder and translate the logic of his thoughts into an algorithm in the form of a code.
And 3D, C, OSI or something else - this is the tenth question ...

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2016-09-26

Yes, leave the kids alone. Him work through 15 years. In 15 years, the industry may change so that programmers will receive at the level of an ordinary account manager, but something else will be in demand. Again, it is not a fact that the child will be interested in this and he will want to do this all his life. 7 years? JOKING WHAT? And a year later, instead of a bedtime story, will Stroustrup's parents read chtoli? Or instead of the alphabet - they will slip Schildt.
I started learning consciously at 20. Yes, I won't become a lead at Google or Microsoft. But the fact that you slip some great book on programming to your child from an early age does not mean that your child will reach at least me, will score. And if you offer some version of a book for teaching children programming, I can upset you a little. All these products are not made to teach children, but for caring parents to buy these products, taking care of the child's future.

iBird Rose, 2016-09-26

google algorithmic games. earlier under dos it was a lot. First you need to teach algorithms. further, as the logic will understand (if it understands), you can move on to which thread the language and syntax. Well, you will have to chew everything yourself to make it clear.
and about 3d - it will be difficult for a child to perceive at 7 years old. you can start learning to draw. and when already stereometric thinking appears - then already begin to quietly accustom to 3d modeling.

Saboteur, 2016-09-26

It is necessary to teach the child to immediately do something useful for him, so that he himself has motivation.
For example, give the basics of assembler (5-10 commands), Art Studio in your hands and let him cheat offline toys. Will master work with memory, with bytes, words, hexadecimal system.
For example, start cutting with him into a happy farmer or a zombie farm, and after a week show how some simple clicker (AcTools) works, rent a Windows wheelbarrow in the cloud that works around the clock and let him try to program the automation of this farmer there to beat . After he writes a simple one, it is more difficult to show it, to show cycles and conditions.
In general, all examples should be such that he can use them immediately to achieve an interesting result for HIM.
Well, English.

Rou1997, 2016-09-26

What and how are you going to teach him if you yourself are not an expert? It’s better not to interfere, just give the opportunity, that is, a computer and the Internet, and emotionally encourage, that’s enough.
I started at the age of 10-11, the teaching method was extremely simple, first we find out on the Internet what programs are needed for programming and download, then we work with the one that launches successfully and we can create something in it, then we find the finished code (YouTube, forums , examples included in the IDE), copy, compile, if it doesn’t compile, then try another code, then turn on analytical thinking and already study the principle, deeper and deeper, as we are interested in order to modify, etc., but we don’t control the further process and it’s not predictable, that’s all, as a result, I learned programming, of course there were a lot of errors and “gaps” in knowledge, but errors in the head, as well as in the program code, are not a fatal tragedy, but simply something that can and should be corrected according to necessary, now I work in many areas,satisfied with life, you can endlessly scold every word I wrote, but I have at least some successful practical experience, and theorists who disagree with me don’t have it at all, I taught myself that way, but they didn’t teach anyone anything in any way. 7, nor in 10 years.

Roman Popov, 2016-09-26

Perhaps only Scratch. There is a free two-volume book "The Book of Young Scratch Programmers" on the net. Mine mastered it.

Yuri Chudnovsky, 2016-09-26

At 7 years of programming? Too early IMHO. First you need to prepare a base - what is analog data and what is digital, how does a transistor work as the basis of any electronics, the history of the creation of computers, the architecture of the central processor, information buses, peripheral devices, file systems, operating systems ... And only after that you can to start programming itself - the child will understand what is what and why it works and why it is so, and not just try to memorize incomprehensible things or form their own, incorrect understanding.

blackbeard, 2016-09-26

Kodu Game Lab is what you need. But 7 years old is too early. There are many educational games for children.

Ranwise, 2016-09-29

buy a constructor like lego robotics\Mindstorms - programming and electronics, and you can play around yourself

tzps, 2016-10-06

I have been at the computer since I was 6 years old. Father collected zx-spectrum, and there was one BASIC. The father also tried to get interested in programming, showing "what can be done". A tape recorder with games appeared much later.
In my case, this training method clearly worked. Although I don't remember BASIC anymore :(

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