Andrey2017-02-19 10:21:14
Andrey, 2017-02-19 10:21:14

System installation in IBM xserver 345?

Good day. Can anyone suggest? The bottom line is that they gave me such a miracle thing as an IBM xserver 345. I went into the BIOS, but there, as in a standard BIOS for a PC, there is no section to select the download source. Ie, for example, I want to install centos or ubuntu from a USB flash drive. Is there such a possibility in this device? And then there is no way to write to a disc!
Thanks in advance!

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Entelis, 2017-02-19

First of all, and on a personal experience but with IBM x345, its BIOS identifies the CD as removable device and it isn't capable of booting from USB until you do a BIOS update to the latest available (and wish that the latest BIOS supports USB boot)

Puma Thailand, 2017-02-19

this is antiquity write blanks

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