Mr_Patch_V20982019-12-01 21:26:24
IT education
Mr_Patch_V2098, 2019-12-01 21:26:24

Stereotype or not "Good programmers start with C/C++/Pascal"?

I want to learn Python ! But some personalities told me "Are you a fool? Why Python 1 language? You will not develop a good style, bad habits will appear!".
I am of the opinion that the language is not important, put an idiot behind a PC, he will write garbage to you in any language, what matters is how a person approaches the process!
Tell me, if you try, then over time I won’t start, shit-code, write noodles code, and I will develop exactly the skills of a programmer?
Languages ​​are tools, give a professional builder equipment of the 40s and he will build a reliable house, give an ignoramus modern tools, rotary hammers, electric saws, grinders and he will not do anything worthwhile!
Am I correct in understanding what programming is?
Thinking of a programmer, logic, algorithms, partly mathematics, fantasy, critical thinking, perseverance, creativity, etc.

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3 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2019-12-01

stereotype or not "Good programmers start with C/C++/Pascal"?

It looks like the speech of a fifty-year-old jun, who was stuck at the jun level twenty years ago and does not want to move on.
I am of the opinion that language is not important
Language is a tool. Different languages ​​are suitable for different tasks.
Am I correct in understanding what programming is?
No. Your opinion is on the other side. And the truth is in the middle.
However, I think python is the best choice for a beginner.
And finally, since you love analogies so much: a professional will play a shitty guitar. But he most likely would not be able to learn how to play such a guitar well.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2019-12-01

Pascal was made for learning, the same applies to python. They did it professionally, and they wrote it in C.
One of the tasks of a programmer is the ability to operate with memory. So draw your own conclusions. Well, to the heap, almost all commercial languages ​​have a similar C syntax.

koperagen, 2019-12-01

Here , look at what programming languages ​​are chosen at different universities for teaching beginners. There is no single standard, there are even purely functional languages. Although 5 years have passed since the question appeared, I think many universities have switched to Python. Now they talk about it, write courses, publish books in many subject areas - data science, web, automation of routine tasks, there are even books on algorithms. If during the training you try some of this or even implement your own project, you will get quite valuable experience.
The same things in the listed languages ​​will be more difficult to implement, on the other hand, low-level hacking will be available, such as OS calls, creating GUI applications in windows forms (ninada), working with memory. You can have fun, in general. But I see no reason why it would teach programming or help develop a style. Just a different class of tasks, other problems are solved.

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