Denis Efremov2015-04-12 21:58:19
Denis Efremov, 2015-04-12 21:58:19

Startup. There is a ready prototype. What are the next steps?

Good day to all. I have a question for veteran startups. I am a designer and I came up with one very good idea for a mobile application. Not only that, I have already designed everything and practically completed the prototype, which you can twist in your hands, so to speak, but I have never been involved in startups and I don’t know what steps to take next.
The fact that the application will take off, I'm 100% sure. I was told the same thing by a programmer friend of mine who was recently hired to work at Apple. Moreover, he is directly delighted with the very idea and says that he has never seen anything like it, that this is really something new and this application is from the category of those that are never removed from the phone.
So, I wanted to ask what are the next steps? I myself can’t financially pull this whole thing and I need to look for an investor. Where to look and on what conditions to work with him? Naturally, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in order to formalize the whole thing, I still can’t get together, but I plan to do this in the near future. What would you recommend in terms of marketing the same? Who is needed in the team other than a programmer and PR manager? How to enter the market? Well, in general, what pitfalls await me?
I will be grateful for any advice.

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9 answer(s)
Eugene, 2015-04-12

It seems to me that with such questions you are very far from starting.
If the project is worthwhile and you are confident in it, then take the time to study how this market works. Try to figure out for yourself how it works, without it, just by reading the answers here, you can do little.
In order not to be unfounded, try starting your search with this - Maxim Chebotare, How to find investments from a business an...

Andrey Vorobyov, 2015-04-16

If 100% flies - you do not need an investor - borrow - you will return from profit

Leonid Pavlov, 2015-04-13

> In general, I wanted to ask what steps are next?
1. Decide - are you ready to take on this project?
The idea can be cool, the app is one of those that "never delete from the phone" ... but it must first be put there, and for this you need to spend time and effort. Lot. Ready?
To answer 1, you need to either be very confident in your idea, or get confirmation of the value of the project from experts. These can be friends, people with experience in implementing projects, experts in competitions, ex-angels. This is a validation of an idea, but for now it's an idea minus a million.
> I myself will not pull the whole thing financially and you need to look for an investor. Where to look and on what conditions to work with him?
2. You don't have a team or a plan yet. Without them, it's more of an idea than a project. This does not interest angels, incubators or foundations.
3. There is a prototype - excellent. Can be shown at a local hackathon. Make and gradually improve the description, presentation. There are accelerators in Singapore.
You can show me (I'm a BA) if the project looks interesting, I can help present it to the ventureclub.
> Naturally, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in order to formalize the whole thing, I still can’t get together, but I plan to do this in the near future.
Not necessary. Creating a legal entity is not a problem, but what and where? You need to incorporate in order to formalize relations with a fund (angel), an accelerator, or to maintain an economy. activity (there would be something to sell).
> What do you recommend in terms of marketing the same?
You proceed from your idea of ​​the project, I don't have it. It's impossible to answer exactly. Do not even write in Russia or not, I think not.
Judging by the fact that you do not write about the difficulties with programming ... it may turn out that marketing is a key competency for this project.
> Who is needed in a team other than a programmer and PR manager?
Nothing is known about the project.
There is a list of competencies that the project team should cover (there are signs on the Internet). One person can close one or more. The main things for the project must be done by ourselves (sales or programming of a unique algorithm), the rest can be given to the outside.
> How to enter the market?
??? Advertising, affiliate programs, viruses...
> Well, in general, what pitfalls await me?
Do not mix design, idea and startup. Startup is entrepreneurship and mostly management. The more you work on the project, the worse things will look. Have the courage to give up on a failed project, but if it's worthwhile, don't give up.

Vasily Alibabaevich, 2015-04-15

look at crowdfunding.

Alexey, 2015-04-18

It is surprising that no one called Antistartup for such questions: siliconrus.com/category/antistartup

Cyril, 2015-04-12

The right literature (there have already been questions about books about startups) can give an understanding of how to move on. The fact that you and your friend like the idea does not mean anything, everything is decided by the clients. Let people use your application, then you will understand if there is a demand and how high it is.

xmoonlight, 2015-04-12

this application is one of those that are never removed from the phone.
contact manager as a CRM? )

hOtRush, 2015-04-16

In my opinion, everyone should mind their own business, someone should write code, and someone should attract investments. so you just need to find the right person

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