SKRSKR2016-08-04 10:35:10
Digital certificates
SKRSKR, 2016-08-04 10:35:10

SSL not working div which is http?

Hello, I'm not a very programmer, but I attached an excellent CloudFlare service to my site, and connected SSL, but now there is a problem that the div does not work:

<div id="mcdApiContainer"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://mcdonate.ru/api/mcd_script.js?server_id=*****&container_id=mcdApiContainer&beauty"></script><br>

Works fine without SSL. Is it possible to fix it somehow?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2016-08-04

It is necessary that the script http://mcdonate.ru/api/mcd_script.jsis also received via https, since your site is on https. But that server can't do that. Talk to their support team, maybe they will.

SergeySL, 2016-08-04

I'll have to stop using this script (I don't believe that the support service will promptly turn on HTTPS).

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