Mher Hovakimyan2018-12-23 15:16:29
Mher Hovakimyan, 2018-12-23 15:16:29

Should I use React Native for mobile. ordering applications?

Good afternoon,
I am designing a mobile application for ordering services. In fact, these are 2 applications: one for customers, the other for service providers. Next year, he will be looking for a developer, and we don’t know yet whether to choose an Android developer for the first version, or immediately do it on React Native to cover iOS as well.
The application is also not very simple. There will be integration with CRM, payment by bank cards, promo codes, a personal account of a service provider with automated withdrawal of funds, etc. There are doubts that React Native will be convenient for all this.
And for the price, how much more expensive is a React Native developer than a pure Android developer?
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Dimka Reactive, 2018-12-23

The tasks you list are trivial and can be solved with the React Native library.
Prices can be viewed on HH or my circle, but do not forget that where there is an Android application, there is also under iOS. Therefore, instead of one React Native developer, you will need two (Android and iOS).
The predominant part of the application code is layout, and with flexbox (React Native) the application is many times faster to layout (of course, Yoga can be used with Android and iOS, but that's another story).
The future belongs to native cross-platform solutions, which is React Native.

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