morgot772020-06-04 14:26:52
Computer networks
morgot77, 2020-06-04 14:26:52

Setting up an aruba 2930f?

There is an Aruba 2930f that looks into the local network. (vlan1,112,350)
a link from 2 providers (vlan2) is connected to it, you
need to bring traffic from a certain port (1) to the external network, and the rest of the ports should have local network traffic.
I made the provider port tagged and port 1 untagged. assigned an address to vlan 2.
the traffic didn't work.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong))
Thank you in advance

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Ryzhkin, 2020-06-04

Studio config. Fortunetellers on vacation.

Wexter, 2020-06-04

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong

went where they weren't asked to. and apparently without any minimum knowledge of networks at all

Andrey Barbolin, 2020-06-04

From the provider, traffic arrives untagged (usually), in order to drive it through your network, you need to drive it into vlan (tagged).
On switches, the port is usually in one of 3 states
access - tags all incoming traffic to the specified vlan, and removes the tag on outgoing traffic
trunk - passes tagged traffic through itself, discards
untagged traffic vlan
Accordingly, the provider's port must be able to access, and then decide for yourself how you will drive it through your network.

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