Unior2772015-03-19 21:16:55
Unior277, 2015-03-19 21:16:55

Service fixing an accident?

I want to ask if there are such services:
a service for adding information about an accident to a map in the form of labels.
For example, there is a map (for example, Open street map), for example, there was some kind of accident in city A on street B, the user finds this street and adds information about the accident (of course, all the information is added to the database). And a mark appears on the map at this place, when you click on it, the corresponding information is displayed.
I would be grateful for any information)

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3 answer(s)
ton1, 2015-03-19

Yandex maps mobile

Tomass Tumass, 2015-03-19


Nikita K., 2015-03-20

Yandex navigator

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