tm_get2017-03-10 21:43:47
Windows Server
tm_get, 2017-03-10 21:43:47

Server in MSC or Switzerland, which one to choose?

I want to take a server in RUVDS, if I use a server in Switzerland from them, it will affect its legal. security, otherwise it’s scary to register something in the Russian Federation with these show masks.
PS I do not sell cannabis, IT company, server for mail and Internet banking.

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2 answer(s)
sim3x, 2017-03-10

If you are concerned about such a feature, then you should use the server of a company that does not have offices in the Russian Federation

Vasily, 2017-03-11

The point is simple.
There is a law according to which no company that stores user data on its servers should do this abroad.
Second. Don't be afraid to check. The servers may belong to that company, but the data on them does not belong to them and an additional warrant will be required to verify them. The company will just tell everyone and that's it. You will be able to solve problems. Moreover, do not think that there are no checks abroad. But if they come to you and find out that you store such information (mail, for example) abroad, they kick your ass in such a way that it won’t seem enough.

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